Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer Fake Tan | Review


I am one of those people who could lay in the sun for hours with a good book working on their tan. In Canada this was fairly easy, pretty much everyday in the summer was perfect swimming and tanning weather. However in the UK you never know when you are going to get a good day of sunshine, and tanning is never planned, so you end up with terrible burn lines. Since we move back to the UK July 1st, I decided I was going to try the Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer Fake Tan, which was recommended to me by a friend (who was recommended by a friend ; ). The weather is not consistently hot and good tanning weather till late June/early July in Canada, so that means Ill have no tan at all this summer otherwise!


I have been using this fake tan for roughly a week or two, and figured it was plenty of time to review it. I have never reviewed a product like this, so bare with! This is also the first fake tan I have every used!




The Product


This product comes in several different versions. This one is the +Nourish Daily Moisturizer, but there is also one for firming, protecting (with sunscreen), and just the classic daily moisturizer. Then for each of those there are two versions, one in fair to medium for pale skin (me, hello!) and one for medium to tan for darker skin tones. The product claims to “Gradually create a flawless natural-looking colour, without streaks.”, and is supposed to be used as a daily body moisturizer. I researched whether it was good for the face or not, and it said possibly for dry skin (with caution), but not oily, or acne-prone skin. Personally I would not risk it either way, but I believe they have a separate one just for the face if you want that too!






As I said above, I have never used a fake tan before, so I do not know what the classic fake tans are like. I believe they are either spray on or done at home, where you leave it on for a set time and then rinse off (?). This one however is quite literally a daily moisturizer, it is a pale white colour like most body lotions, and smells really nice and quite natural. I actually did not realize the one I bought does not have SPF, and that there was a specific one for this (+Protect), so the one I have does not protect against the sun. However I usually apply it after a shower at night time rather than in the morning, so this did not matter too much. 





So how long till you see results? Any streaks? Patchy? Skin irritations? Absolutely nothing? I started off by putting this on every night, and after 3 days there was an evident change in colour. What was good is that is looked 1000% natural, and no one questioned when it was fake or not. There were absolutely no streaks or irritations etc. The colour was also a gorgeous golden brown, absolutely no sign of orange whatsoever, thank heavens. However (and this may be tmi), I did notice that the crease between my boobs was kind of patchy. It was almost peeling, and you could kind of rub it off… yet when I was in the shower and used a loofa all over my body it was completely fine and didn’t rub off at all. To be honest Im not too bothered as I do not wear many low cut tops, and it is not clear to see (unless you are staring at my boobs, excuse me).



Would I recommend It?


Obviously I have only tried the +Nourish one, and as I said I applied it in the evenings (plus I have paler skin). I was also recommended this by one of my best friends (who was recommended it by a friend!), so its clear to say that this product has been doing the rounds! Also a day or so after I started using this, I was at dance class and my Contemporary teacher started talking about an everyday body lotion fake tan she was using that was amazing, and I am pretty sure it is the exact same thing! So that just goes to show how popular this product has been recently (at least in my town!). Bearing in mind I have never tried any other fake tans, and only want to use safe products, I have nothing to compare this to. I would probably give this product an 8/10. I would say that it is really good, however having only tried one of many from the range I cannot promise all the others will be as good, plus as I mentioned the whole boob debacle, so I would say an 8 is a pretty good rating! I would highly recommend this, especially as it looks extremely natural! (apologies for not having a before and after!) 



Have you tried this product? What did you think?


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  1. Freja
    June 17, 2018 / 4:50 am

    Sounds like a great product. I haven’t tried any fake tanners before but maybe I should since the weather in Denmark is pretty similar to the weather in the UK so we don’t get much sun either!

    • Zoë Ware
      June 17, 2018 / 8:22 am

      No I haven’t either, but this one doesn’t really seem like a fake tan because it is so natural! I can imagine the weather in Denmark is pretty similar to the UK!! xx

  2. Najida | Life As Najida
    June 17, 2018 / 6:19 am

    I totally agree that you can barely tan in the UK because of the rarity of the sun. This product sounds amazing! Will definitely recommend to anyone who asks about fake tanning xx

    • Zoë Ware
      June 17, 2018 / 8:23 am

      Exactly! Ahh thank you girly!! xx

  3. June 17, 2018 / 3:48 am

    I’ve been meaning to fake tan all week but by the time I get around to doing it I remember I haven’t planned it convenient to wash it off etc. These moisturiser products are a great alternative though, I used to use the Dove one last year. Do you come from the UK then?
    Charlotte / Charlotte’s Picks

    • Zoë Ware
      June 17, 2018 / 8:20 am

      Oh I haven’t heard of a Dove one! Sounds pretty similar though! Yes I am originally from England : ) xx

  4. Sneha
    June 17, 2018 / 9:41 am

    I’ve never used a self-tanning product – ever! LOL. I’m Indian, so my skin tans pretty easily anyway, so I suppose I’m lucky that way. 🙂 Didn’t know you were moving back to the UK so soon! Whereabouts will you be? 😀 xx

    Sneha |

    • Zoë Ware
      June 17, 2018 / 10:38 am

      Haha!! Depends if you like being tanned I guess! I know people that hate getting a tan and hibernate inside! I have really blotchy skin without a tan tho! I will be in Southampton! xx

  5. Krystal
    June 19, 2018 / 12:20 pm

    I love Jergens! Thankfully I tend to tan naturally but I always use it to build my base tan.

  6. jane
    June 20, 2018 / 2:02 am

    It’s nice that it works well on you.
    I love the claim of natural glow

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

  7. June 22, 2018 / 10:01 pm

    Love that there are alternatives to sitting out in the sun for hours! Glad you’re enjoying the fake tan moisturizer. Oh! It’s great to hear that this is easy to take off. Thanks for sharing!

    Nancy ♥

  8. Khanak
    June 23, 2018 / 3:50 pm

    Great review! I don’t fake tan because, well, I’m brown, haha. Nevertheless, love how in-depth your reviews are. Great post as always.
    I’d love it if you’d check out my new post at
    Khanak x

  9. July 13, 2018 / 9:06 am

    Love this post! I have been looking for a solid self-tanner and will have to give this a try!!

    xx lindsay |

  10. July 20, 2018 / 12:40 pm

    I want to fake tan so badly for a while now. I live by the sea, but haven’t gone to the beach yet and it sucks. This one seems like a good one, I could give it a try.

    • Zoë Ware
      July 21, 2018 / 8:18 am

      Ahh! Yes personally I love this one!! Let me know if you try it! xx

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