Rose Bouquet Decoration | Hand Embroidered Flowers


Eternal love blooms in our ‘Rose Bouquet Decoration,’ a timeless expression of love that transcends seasons. Hand-embroidered on a 3-inch bamboo hoop, these red roses symbolise enduring passion and affection. As a cherished piece from our Mother’s Day collection, it’s not just a decoration—it’s an everlasting token of love.

Hang it proudly as a reminder that, like these intricately stitched roses, love never fades. Perfect for Mother’s Day, this floral masterpiece celebrates the beauty of connections that endure. Gift a bouquet that never wilts, where love blossoms eternally in every delicate stitch.

Why not pair it with our Pink rose hoop?

*Made to order.

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Eternal love blooms in our ‘Rose Bouquet Decoration,’ a timeless expression of love that transcends seasons. Hand-embroidered on a 3-inch bamboo hoop, these red roses symbolise enduring passion and affection. As a cherished piece from our Mother’s Day collection, it’s not just a decoration—it’s an everlasting token of love.

Hang it proudly as a reminder that, like these intricately stitched roses, love never fades. Perfect for Mother’s Day, this floral masterpiece celebrates the beauty of connections that endure. Gift a bouquet that never wilts, where love blossoms eternally in every delicate stitch.

*Made to order.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION – Rose Bouquet Decoration

  • Bamboo embroidery hoop
  • Size 3 inches
  • Hand embroidered on a rustic linen/cotton blend fabric
  • Tied with sparkly white wool

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