Lush American Cream Review

Lush American Cream Review

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Have you ever tried a hair conditioner, and you almost hear the angels sing? Because I haven’t till now.

I wasn’t even planning on doing a review on this product, but I honestly love it so much that I couldn’t not tell you about it! I actually tried this hair conditioner a few months ago, but didn’t care much for it, and didn’t bother using it again. However I was recently getting fed up with my current hair conditioner, not because it is bad or anything, it is actually really good, I just fancied a change! So I picked this one out of the cupboard again for another go.


My Hair

Age: 17

Hair type: Straight

Concerns: Frizz

American Cream

Price: $10.95 / 100ml
Rating: 4 / 5 stars

Featured Ingredient: Strawberry

Lush American Cream Hair Conditioner


I always think the smell of a product is extremely important, for me it can be a make it or break it kinda deal. If a product smells bad, there is a slim chance I will be re-buying it. The American Cream conditioner is a Strawberry-Vanilla scent. It smells absolutely divine, the whole shower fills with the scent of fresh strawberries, and a hint of Vanilla. Once your hair dries, it smells even better. The scent lasts for days, and I mean it! It is actually like something out of the movies. As far as the smell goes its a yes from me!



In The Shower

I think your experience with it in the shower has to be important too, like do you need as excessive amount? Does it still smell good? (yes it does), Does it make your hair soft? etc.
So you know when you put the conditioner in your hair, and your hair feels extremely soft with it in, before you rinse it out? Well, surprisingly this conditioner did not make my hair feel soft in the shower at all, and it reminded me why I stopped using it in the first place.
When I use conditioner I always ring out all the water in my hair, turn the shower off, put the conditioner in (only at the ends), leave it in for a few minutes, then turn the shower back on and rinse it out with cold water only. When I put this in at first I needed a little bit more in order to cover the ends of my hair, but you still don’t need too much product!

Drying Your Hair

I don’t know about you, but I personally do not own a hair dryer (I know, shock, horror). I always let my hair air dry. I will usually wash it in the evening, then go to bed with it still damp, and usually it will be dry (or almost dry) by the next day. However, because I don’t use a hair dryer, my hair can be quite frizzy the next day, and after using this conditioner it was still frizzy.


Any Other Products Used?

My hair did feel pretty darn good once it dried, however it was still a bit frizzy. I usually use this next product no matter what, because it is for de-frizzing, which is always what my hair needs.
The second product I used was the Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Anti-Frizz Serum. I used this the next morning once my hair was dry. I simply put one pump in my hand, and ran it through the ends of my hair. Usually at this point my hair feels lovely and soft. However after pairing it with the American Cream conditioner, my hair felt the softest it has ever felt. It was so shiny, and silky, and not frizzy AT ALL.

The Aftermath

Is it possible for your hair to be too soft? Because if so, I think it was. My hair is literally in such good condition that my ponytail always falls out, there is no such thing as a messy bun, and I haven’t had to brush my hair since I washed it (okay that sounds kind of gross, but my hair literally does not need brushing at all!). My hair feels so insanely good, and a week after washing my hair I can still smell the strawberry/vanilla scent.

Would I Recommend It?

From this post, I think you can pretty confidently guess that I would recommend it. Overall I would give this product a 5/5 paired with the serum, because there is literally nothing else I would want for my hair. It feels good, it smells good, its extremely soft and shiny, and lasts up until you wash your hair again. If I used this product alone however, I would give it more like 4/5 stars, simply because it doesn’t help with frizz.
Have you tried this hair conditioner? What is your favourite hair conditioner?

Hustle Hard Girl,
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  1. Mihaailo
    April 15, 2018 / 12:30 pm

    Love how detailed this review is! Keep up with the great work!

    Mihaailo |

  2. April 15, 2018 / 12:31 pm

    I like the scent of American cream too! I think it worked okay for me in terms of softening when I was still a brunette, but I have bleached hair now, so I've only been using Daddy-O from Lush at the moment.
    Btw,I love your photographs! They're so crisp and clean 😀

  3. April 15, 2018 / 12:31 pm

    Wow, this sounds incredible! I’ve tried numerous things from Lush but I’m yet to try anything from their hair range. Have been looking for some new hair products for a while now so may give these a try!x:)

  4. April 15, 2018 / 12:31 pm

    Yes I love Lush! Definitely recommend it! 🙂 xx

  5. April 15, 2018 / 12:33 pm

    Ah yes, I have never dyed my hair so I couldn't say it if would have been good or not! I haven't heard of Daddy-O before! Thank you!! xx

  6. April 16, 2018 / 12:04 pm

    I'm still on the hunt for the perfect conditioner. I'm just so sad that I don't have Lush in my city 🙁 And I don't ever order things from Internet o that's also not an option

  7. April 16, 2018 / 12:06 pm

    Oh no! I couldn't imagine living in a city with no Lush! Have you tried OGX? I love their hair care stuff! Especially the purple one which is Biotin & Collagen 🙂 xx

  8. Jordan Hathaway
    April 16, 2018 / 10:33 pm

    The scent of this sounds incredible! x

    Jordan Alice

  9. Anika May
    April 18, 2018 / 9:56 pm

    Sounds like a great product, the scent alone is awesome!

    Anika |

  10. April 22, 2018 / 12:05 am

    Lush makes such great products! Even though their products are a bit on the higher end when it comes to cost, it’s totally worth the investment! I agree that smell is important too! Glad you enjoyed the conditioner even tough your hair was still a bit frizzy. Thanks for the recommendation :)!

    • April 22, 2018 / 7:46 am

      Their products are a little pricier, but it is totally worth it for what they stand for, and the fact that it is all natural ingredients! Thank you so much lovely! xx : )

  11. Sneha
    April 22, 2018 / 9:17 am

    That sounds amazing! Especially the smell – I’m a sucker for all things strawberry scented. My turn for the shock horror side of things – but I’ve actually never tried anything from Lush! But given the fact that I too like to air dry my hair, this just might be what I’m looking for. 🙂

    Sneha |

    • April 22, 2018 / 9:51 am

      Strawberry scented is the best! I cannot believe you haven’t been to Lush before! You’ll have to go ASAP! Haha! Yesss! Air drying your hair is the best! : ) xx

  12. April 24, 2018 / 6:02 pm

    Such a thorough review 😍 I personally love American Cream though like you, I also still had a bit of frizz and flyaways after but it smells amazing. I don’t really use it myself anymore as it isn’t cheap and I opt for a hair mask or Moroccan oil instead now!

    • April 24, 2018 / 10:45 pm

      Thank you! I totally agree! I personally use a lot of hair masks, and Im always using different conditioners! Thank you so much lovely! xx

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